quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007



" TO SEE "

CIRCA 1943



The monitoring of the universe by the five senses is the sensitive world.
Two individual and separate units both fill all the sensitive world infinite space: the universe and man.
All that the sensitive world is about, is not loosing sight on these two individual and separate units, and the All by them formed.
" Not loosing sight on" is expression of all property on the sensitive world and, most of all, refering to the All.


The sensitive world carries out the natural organization of the five senses in the human individual unit.
The same way that on the sensitive world there are no separates ( the universe and man and both are in the All) also on nature the five senses aren't separated one from another and they don't exist but on the human individual unit.
If we separate here the human individual unit from any animal individual unit, this is not because the natural organization of the five senses isn't the same there, the way of fulfilling the natural organization of the five senses.
This, the natural organization of the five senses, is unbribable: nature allows all but it's spontainety to be alienable: take away matter from the world and where shall spirit be? If matter is organized only the spirit knows how: spirit and matter, they don't excuse one another. It's this " don't excuse one another" that which provoques sensitive units.
Without the sensitive units the world would be a desert of matter, blind, silent, scentless, tasteless and touchless: it would miss the secret of marrying the Several in the One.
Not only man but other animals, the vegetal and mineral kingdom represent the infinite sensitive units of Several and One, and in all of them nature proceeds with the same spontainety, always as on the first time, not deducting the past exactly to avoid repetition, but maintaining unchanged the unique way of creation, as proof that the organization of each sensitive unit wasn't changed. It wouldn't be viable in any other way, if it's about marrying the human individual unit with the universe individual unit we're talking about, in the All which is the only Unit where all lives and the only where each unit lives.


Before we get into the natural organization of the five senses and on their physiological, biological and psychic details, we shall still insist on that of the sensitive world concerning a first overview of it's most wide and unchangeable dimensions.
The sensitive world is, after all, a passiveness of the universe towards one active Cause, unchangeable and previous to it.
The sensitive units are formed by passivity to the active Cause, and because it is not perfect their passiveness to the point where they are the All of the active Cause, as the active Cause of the Universe cannot have parts.
And this is where man reveals itself different from all the other sensitive units of the Universe. Passivity is unanimous and only man is due to make it perfect. Perfect like the one from animals, plants and minerals.
From here is born another sensitive world, man's creation already and second cause, and another passivity to a second cause, which is no more than the time and place where it would have been perfectible the first passivity to the only active Cause.
It looks like man first wanted to win over passivity by deserting passivity alltogether. He fell into another one created by him. Had lost sight of the All.
The second cause obscured the first. He was after all the creator of death, the only death, life not lived; the lost unity.


The active Cause, the Only one, previous to the All and unchangeable, is both the most deep and the most simple. Passivity towards the most simple and the most deep is the most perfect, just because it is the most deep and the most simple.

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